Category: Eye center

If there is any part of your body that you should not ignore, that would be your eyes. According to studies, millions of Americans (and still counting) are experiencing different eye problems. Some of the most common visual impairment issues are astigmatism, near-sightedness, far-sightedness, and sometimes, even blindness. This is often due to family history of vision impairment or illnesses like diabetes.

How can you avoid eyesight problems? As we always say, “Prevention is better than cure.” If you want to spare your eyes from problems, the best thing to do is to have your eyes checked by an eye doctor so you’d know if you have eye sight problems or are developing eye problems. There are many eye centers like Cabarrus Eye Center that you can go to for a consultation.

What are you waiting for? Schedule a consultation before you even develop an eye problem. Remember that early detection is always a good thing since it will help you stop further development of eye issues.

When people age, the first signs like wrinkles and puffiness show around the eyes. This is because the skin around the eyes is the most sensitive external part of the human body. The problem here is that the eyes are the first thing that people notice, which is why it is important to keep the eyes looking fresh and young.

One procedure that a lot of people go for is Blepharoplasty. This procedure is not only performed for cosmetic purposes, but is also done on people with sagging skin around the eyes that obstruct their vision. In this surgery, doctors make incisions on the natural folds of the eyes to lessen the obviousness of scars. Fatty deposits and excess skin are then removed. Blepharoplasty only takes about three hours and the recovery period will only be from a couple of days to a week tops. Results will not be evident right away. However, when the swelling is gone, patients will notice that the skin around their eyes is tighter. This will give off a younger and fresher look; hence solving the problem of aging around the eyes.

If you are interested, there are a lot of local clinics like Cabarrus Eye Center that offer this procedure. All you need to do is to consult with one of their doctors.

Laser Eye Correction

Poor eye sight is one of the most common problems brought about by aging or the improper care of the eyes. More often than not, people address this issue by turning to the use of eye wear like eye glasses and contact lenses. It is, anyway, the easiest way out of vision problems.

However, using these eye wear can sometimes be a hassle. It’s very easy to lose eye glasses, contact lenses dry out, and replacing these all the time can be costly. If you want to spare yourself from the hassle and expenses, there is another option: laser eye surgery. This procedure has become popular since it does not only improve eye sight, but undergoing the surgery will also fix other complications like astigmatism and near sightedness. Moreover, this is a one-time procedure that will free you from the use of eye wear.

With this technology, getting back your perfect eye sight is no longer impossible. If you are interested, consult with your local eye doctor. There are already many clinics that offer this procedure like Cabarrus Eye Center, which is why it is not very difficult to find professionals who can perform the procedure.

When years start adding folds and wrinkles on our face the first reaction is to ignore it as long as you can. Yet there is always that need to look into the mirror and you get to see that very evident signs that you cannot hold on to youth for long. When realization sets in, the next step is to find the right solution that will personally and perfectly fit into your lifestyle and the particular condition you are complaining about.

There are quite a few non-invasive procedures which most practitioners considered not only safe but also very affordable, Sculptra is one of them. And these are the reasons why Sculptra’s popularity has been steadily increasing ever since this was introduced in the market. More and more people are opting for a non-invasive procedure (not to mention, painless one) that will banish most signs of maturity.

Dermal filler is an excellent solution for the removal of facial wrinkles and folds. Sculptra gives a longer wrinkle banishing effects compared to other products in the market. It also seems to have a more natural looking effect on your face than other dermal filler injections.

Dermal filler products give instant results compared to the creams and moisturizers one is advice to apply daily. The loss of collagen due to the aging process causes most of these physical damages to our skin. And although the creams and moisturizers help, they just basically slow down the aging process yet it will not stop the skin from sagging and wrinkling. In time, the skin will wrinkle, fold and sag that even expensive creams and moisturizers could not undo.

Choosing the injectable dermal fillers on the other hand will give you an instant facelift that will normally take creams and moisturizers weeks and months to accomplish. Sculptra will not only flatten the lines and facial folds but will also plump and filled up sunken skins around the face area. This product makes use of a solution that although synthetic, its effect is a natural looking plump up face. This is due to the fact that the composition encourages the production of collagen which gives you that supple and young looking skin. And the good thing about these dermal fillers is that they are painless and safe for you.

When faced with the eventuality of any surgery, most people get scared of the thought that part of their body will be open up. But there are surgeries that can’t be avoided and in fact, a cataract surgery for instance is the best option for any patient.

Someone with an eye cataract condition will at first start to observe cloudy or blurry eyesight and as the condition worsen, you can actually notice a cloudy formation in the eye. This formation obstructs the light from coming through thus the patient slowly loss his eyesight as the growth forms bigger. No amount of medication can really cure the condition; it can probably slow down the condition but it will never stop it from worsening. The best option for someone with an eye cataract condition is surgery.

Cataract surgery might not stop the world from going blind but it can improve the eyesight of most mature person suffering from an eye cataract. Removing the cloudy growth that obstructs one’s vision has become revolutionary. Most of these can be performed in a modern eye care centers and patients are seldom asked to stay in a hospital to recuperate.

The procedure is quite easy and it wont take an ophthalmologist more than an hour to finish the whole procedure. Patients will never feel any pain as the eye doctor make a small incision to remove the growth using an advanced technology that makes the job easier and faster. The eye doctor will then place a clear plastic lens implant that will ultimately restore the patient’s vision.

The surgical procedure is designed to be less invasive as much as possible so that recovery period will be shorter. In most cases, the patient will immediately feel the improvement right after the surgery. The patient can easily resume his normal activities one day after the surgery.

Cataract surgery is the safest and most effective way to treat a person with an eye cataract. It is the only medical procedure guaranteed to restore your eyesight; other procedure might help control the progress of the disease but they will never be able to treat your eye condition.

Vision related problems are part of life once you reach your 40’s. Most eye problem will gradually and slowly affect your vision and sometimes if you don’t place much attention to your vision, it may come too late to take care of the problem.

The best thing to do is seek the help of your local eye doctor and visit the eye centers near you. If you live near the Concord, Cabarrus area or near north Charlotte, one eye center to visit is the Cabarrus Eye Center. They offer specialized services including pediatric eye care.

To help restore your eyesight or at least stop the deterioration of your vision, be sure to get professional help as soon as you feel any symptoms like difficulty to read, blurry vision and other vision impairment that must need an eye doctor’s attention.

Eye health is one of the largest field of medicine that encompasses several types and methods of vision correction. There are several kinds of eye doctors who specializes in particular eye diseases.

If your vision problem is a medical condition that requires surgery or extensive medical attention, an ophthalmologist is the likely person to visit. They are the eye doctors who are fully licensed to provide complete eye care.

The optometrist on the other hand, can basically do everything the ophthalmologist does except perform major surgical procedures. An optometrist usually focuses on treating patients with vision problems that can easily be corrected by eye glasses or contact lenses.

There is another medical eye care professional who assist both the ophthalmologist and optometrist; they are the opticians who are also responsible with the care of patients before and after diagnosis and treatment. Their specialty is with the lenses fitting and ocular prosthetics.

Vision is one of the most important senses we must take good care of. Neglecting to give it the proper attention it requires could mean fast vision deterioration. The best step to stop this is to go and seek the help of an eye doctor.

People who are not happy with the additional features on their faces as they ages yet are also fearful to go under the knife for a medical procedure that will correct this situation can now enjoy two non-surgical procedures that will help them with their problem.

The traditional procedures that cosmetic surgeons used to prescribed require you to have a small fortune to avail any of them as well as enduring the cosmetic doctor’s slicing through your skin. With the introduction of these non-surgical means, you will be assured of a less expensive and  basically pain-free procedure.

You can erase those unwanted wrinkles, folds and lines on your face without resorting to any cosmetic surgical procedures. There are several non-surgical methods to get rid of this additional facial features that have been proven effective and cost efficient by thousands of patients who are all satisfied by the results they got.

Two of the most popular and well-recommended products against age-related skin problems are Sculptra and Restylane. These  US FDA approved injectable solutions are favorite alternatives to cosmetic surgery since they are less invasive with very little or almost no recovery period required.

Aside from the almost instant results that patients get from these cosmetic surgery alternatives, they do not have any negative side effects like scarring and skin pigmentation change. Both of these products are classified as injectable fillers but have different effects. That’s why cosmetic doctors carefully study what you need so they can give you the best treatment that will remedy your problem.

For more details about these two non-surgical cosmetic procedure, it is best to visit your doctor so that he can carefully examine your face and be able to come up with the right solution.

If you suddenly found yourself bothered by how you look, particularly that tired-looking eyes staring back at you, chances are you need to consider the services of cosmetic eye doctors. And if you live somewhere near Concord and north Charlotte NC, there is even some good news to you. The staff at Cabarrus Eye Center will be the most eligible people to render help to you.

For most people, an eyelid surgery is the best solution to their problem. Cosmetic eye doctors can perform the procedure on you to remedy puffiness, bags under the eyes, droopy eyelids plus wrinkles around your eye area. The medical procedure is a minor one and is usually performed as an outpatient procedure by eye doctors from the Cabarrus Eye Center. It involves the removal of excess tissues and skin from the eyelid including fats. The result is a younger looking and refreshed looking eyes that brighten your face thus making you appear younger and livelier.

Belpharosplasty, the medical term used for eyelid surgery, is not just a simple and purely cosmetic procedure because it also has some functional reasons. And whatever reason you might have for going through this, it will be guaranteed that this is the most risk-free operation and will not give you much trouble during the post surgery recuperation.

So if you are considering eyelid surgery and you are in Concord and north Charlotte NC area, you could first seek an appointment with an eye surgeon. They will help you go through the whole process. Even if this is a minor medical procedure, there are certain preparations before you can go through the procedure.

When children develop any problem with their eyes it is very important to go to the right person — a pediatric eye doctor. Eyes are very crucial to the development of your child and it is to his best interest that a reliable pediatric ophthalmologist helps him.

If you are within the vicinity of Concord, Cabarrus Country and north Charlotte, you can easily visit the Cabarrus Eye Center. The eye center is equipped with all the latest in dental technology as well as well-trained pediatric eye doctors who can readily provide your child with the right remedy for his troubled vision.

Vision related problems unless there is a physical pain are usually not given much attention by the sufferer. And if the person suffering is a child, it is doubly hard to expect the child to know that there is something wrong with his vision, with his health. As a parent of young children, it is best to be alert to any little eye related abnormalities that your child might be experiencing. Observing your child closely will prevent any serious problem in the future.

Any eye related problems particularly if it is a child who is suffering from it must be considered serious. Anytime that a child complains of any vision related condition or you have observe any eye problem is the best time to go and consult a pediatric eye doctor.

These are ophthalmologists who are specially trained to look after a child’s eye condition. Going to Cabarrus Eye Center in Concord and north Charlotte area will give you the chance to discuss your child’s ailment. The pediatric eye doctor is the best person who can give your child the right remedy.

Cataracts are abnormalities that grow inside your eyes and damage your vision resulting to a cloudy vision and eventual blindness. This is not really a dreaded disease particularly if you will consult eye surgeons in your Concord, Cabarrus County area right away.

Cataracts usually start as a mild eye discomfort, almost negligible yet they grow rapidly and attack the lens of your eye. If not given any proper medical attention it can become a major vision-impaired problem.

People with cataracts and have not been able to do something about it in the early stage often realized the folly of their actions far too late. Their cataracts have grown big and have caused them a lot of damage.

What to do once you discover you have cataracts?

Once you observed that your vision has been getting cloudy for no apparent reason, go and set an appointment with a reliable eye surgeon. The ophthalmologist will determine if you have developed cataracts in your eyes. Doing this initial step is very crucial in maintaining and preserving your vision.

Once your Concord, Cabarrus County cataract eye surgeon have confirmed that you have cataracts, he will immediately order for the removal. There is no other way to resolve this eye disease but with a cataract eye surgery.

They idea of cataract eye surgery might frighten you but just like when the eye doctor was checking you all up, the procedure will be painless and very short. Cataract eye surgery is actually very simple and can be performed in less than an hour but it is a delicate one that needs the focus of a skillful cataract eye surgeon. Always go to the medical practitioner that you trust.

The thought of eventually suffering the darkness for life must put out your fear for cataract eye surgery. Once you have the help of an expert cataract eye surgeon, there is no reason to fear pain and failure.