The shoulder is the most utilized joint of the human body, which is why there are a lot of people who suffer from chronic shoulder dislocation. Some people worry that they might suffer from this their whole life. However, Asheboro NC orthopedic surgeons can perform a surgery called Bankart’s Repair.

If you have a loose joint, it can slip and slide around the socket and will eventually dislocate. This basically tightens the ligaments and repairs the labrum. The procedure is performed with a fiber-optic camera and other manipulating materials. Small incisions are made around the shoulder for these tools. Damaged soft tissues and bone spurs are removed and rough edges are smoothed. Loose ligaments are then shortened and reattached to stabilize the joint. With Bankart’s Repair, suture anchors are utilized to reattach ligaments to the bone, which dissolves in time. This will help the shoulder return to its normal functions.

A patient can go home on the same day of the operation. The joint must be immobilized and plenty of rest must be taken to aid for the healing of the shoulder. Total recovery, however, will take months — but it is surely worth it!