Bursitis is a condition in which the bursa is inflamed as a result of trauma and overuse because of certain activities or occupations. Bursa are fluid filled sacs that provide cushion for our joints, tendons and muscles surrounding the joints to provide protection from trauma and prevent  them rubbing too much against each other.
At may start with mere discomfort on the affected area. It can get worse that it keeps you from doing certain activities. Symptoms include pain, tenderness or swelling on your shoulders, elbows, knees, hips and ankles.  If the affected bursa is near the joint, it may appear as a reddish, slightly swollen area which is tender to touch.
Types of bursitisstudent’s elbow affects anyone like students and plumbers who frequently rests their elbows on any surface.

A miner’s shoulder is caused by overhead motions when miners dig or carry things overhead. Repetitive force on the shoulder can cause inflammation. Don’t just rely on massage to ease your pain. Consult an orthopedic doctor to rule out bursitis.

Kneecap bursitis is often experienced by carpet layers and other people who are often on their knees.

Athletes may experience any of these types of bursitis  after they become injured due to falling or blows to their joints while playing contact sports.

Consult your Asheboro NC orthopedic doctors at Randolph Orthopedics and Sports Medicine about prevention and treatment of bursitis.