Does knee pain compromise your quality of life?  Asheboro, North Carolina orthopedic doctors can help get your life back.

Causes of knee pain

Anyone may experience knee pain from injuries, overuse, disease or inflammation regardless of age. Knee pain is caused by a problem in any of the knee joint system including the bones, ligaments, tendons, cartilage, muscle and bursa. Knee pain is also associated with sports and active training. It is a common complaint among young people engaged in these activities .  Older patients may also experience osteoarthritis which results from the wearing away or overuse of the knee joint.  Osteoarthritis causes knee pain, stiffness and reduced mobility.

How to get relief from knee pain

If you have had knee pain for more than a few days and rest, ice, elevation and common pain relievers are not helping, you need to make an appointment to see an orthopedic specialist. Knee pain that is untreated may lead to further injury in the other knee or in other joints of the body. If knee pain is not addressed, the person who suffers from it may unconsciously change the way in which he or she walks or shift weight in order to avoid pain.  It is wise to seek professional treatment from Asheboro, North Carolina orthopedic specialists at Randolph Orthopedics and Sports Medicine when you experience knee pain that doesn’t respond to traditional methods of treatment.