Tag Archive: sports medicine doctors

Are you active in sports? If you are, then it is important that you know how to take care of your body – especially your knees since they are often the most used part of the body when playing a sport.

There are many injuries you can get from participating in any sport. ACL strains and tears is a common injury especially among football, basketball, and soccer players. This is usually due to sudden stops, a rapid change of direction, incorrect landing after a jump, and direct impact – all of which put pressure on the knees. Other causes are differences in lower leg alignment, ligament laxity, and pelvic alignment.

Sometimes, if the injury is severe, the patient may need to undergo an orthopedic surgery to regain complete knee functions after the injury. There are, however, many other treatments you can undergo. Surgery is not your only option. All you need to do is to consult with a sports medicine doctor who can check your condition and give you advice for treatment.

Treatment for meniscal tears at Randolph Orthopedics and Sports MedicineMeniscal tears are commonly caused by either traumatic injury, which is usually seen in athletes, or degenerative processes, which results brittle cartilage experienced by older patients. The most common mechanism of a traumatic meniscal tear occurs when the knee joint is bent and the knee is then twisted.

Symptoms of a meniscal tear

Individuals who suffer from a meniscus tear usually experience pain and swelling as their primary symptoms. Joint locking is also common, which involves the inability to completely straighten the joint.

The most common symptoms of a meniscal tear include:

  • Knee pain
  • Swelling of the knee
  • Tenderness when pressing on the meniscus
  • Popping or clicking within the knee
  • Limited motion of the knee joint

Diagnosis of a meniscal tear

Patient who suffer from knee pain will be evaluated for a possible meniscal tear. Specific tests can be performed to detect such an injury. An x-ray can be used to determine if there is evidence of degenerative or arthritic changes to the knee joint. The MRI is useful at visualizing the meniscus. However, discovering a torn meniscus on MRI does not mean a specific treatment is needed.

Treatment of a meniscus tear

Treatment of meniscal tears depends on several factors, as not all meniscal tears require surgery. When a non-surgical option for treating a meniscal tear is inadequate, a surgical treatment is required where meniscal repair and transplantation may be necessary.

Your doctor can evaluate the extent of a meniscal tear injury and provide options for treatment. Your Asheboro orthopedic surgeons at Randolph Orthopedics and Sports Medicine can determine the most appropriate meniscal tear treatment and help you through a speedy recovery.


Treatment for sprains available at Randolph Orthopedics and Sports Medicine Sprains and strains occur when the body is put under severe stress where muscles and joints are forced to perform movements beyond that which are designed for them to perform. An injury can occur from a single stressful incident, or it may gradually arise after many repetitions of a motion.

When professional medical help is not immediately available, there is an effective way to administer initial treatment for sprains and strains. Remember R.I.C.E.!

  • Rest the injured part. Pain is the body’s warning not to move the injured part.
  • Ice the injury. This will reduce the swelling and help with the spasm.
  • Compress the injured area. Compressing the injury also helps to control swelling. Keep in mind, however, not to apply excessive pressure in order to allow for proper circulation of the blood supply.
  • Elevate the injured part. This is to reduce the swelling by minimizing fluid and blood flow to the injured area.

Medications that help to relieve pain can be taken in appropriate doses as prescribed. Orthopedic specialists at Randolph Orthopedics and Sports Medicine are ready to assist with problems in orthopedic cases. Make the appointment with Asheboro’s primary orthopedic and sports medicine doctors and free yourself from pain due to ligament sprains and strains.

Does knee pain compromise your quality of life?  Asheboro, North Carolina orthopedic doctors can help get your life back.

Causes of knee pain

Anyone may experience knee pain from injuries, overuse, disease or inflammation regardless of age. Knee pain is caused by a problem in any of the knee joint system including the bones, ligaments, tendons, cartilage, muscle and bursa. Knee pain is also associated with sports and active training. It is a common complaint among young people engaged in these activities .  Older patients may also experience osteoarthritis which results from the wearing away or overuse of the knee joint.  Osteoarthritis causes knee pain, stiffness and reduced mobility.

How to get relief from knee pain

If you have had knee pain for more than a few days and rest, ice, elevation and common pain relievers are not helping, you need to make an appointment to see an orthopedic specialist. Knee pain that is untreated may lead to further injury in the other knee or in other joints of the body. If knee pain is not addressed, the person who suffers from it may unconsciously change the way in which he or she walks or shift weight in order to avoid pain.  It is wise to seek professional treatment from Asheboro, North Carolina orthopedic specialists at Randolph Orthopedics and Sports Medicine when you experience knee pain that doesn’t respond to traditional methods of treatment.

Knee pains are not just a malady that attacks the very ancients. Everyone is susceptible to it –whether you are a very young child, a strong athlete, a couch potato or an elderly; in fact, anyone who makes use of their knees may experience knee pain.

The knee pain that you might be suffering from can be a result of any thing from age to overuse, injury as well as misused and less usage of the knees. They can be caused by any number of things from bones to tendons and muscles. Since knee pain has become one of the top complaints of most people in all walks of life, it will help for you to have a  proper and regular care for knees.

Chronic sufferers of knee pains must seek the help of a professional medical practitioners who can give you a full and exhaustive evaluation. In most cases, once the cause and the source of pain is identified and treatment is applied, the rest will be very easy.

The orthopedic surgeon can easily prescribe the right treatment to eradicate the knee pain. Solutions does not always have to be knee surgery since there are other non-surgical method that will work and cure your knee pain.

You can set an appointment with your Asheboro, N.C. knee surgeon and explore the possible approach that will work for you.

When talking about sports injuries it does not necessarily means one has to be a professional athlete. In fact, even people who do not play any sports can suffer from injuries that needs the expertise of sports medicine doctors.   Motion and mobility study is a branch of medicine that needs experts and well-trained practitioners.

Motion analysis help in calculating the risks an elderly person got from the a fall or examine how a tennis player execute his backhand.   Sports medicine doctors are not only responsible for treating and healing injuries because they are also trained to give instructions as to how a person must move. They will also stress on how certain sports technique must be executed to avoid any sprain or muscle injuries.

Since mobility is the core of our lives’ activities, it is important that we get to know how we can exhaustively put them to good use. The knowledge of how an individual can put his physical strength to good use will assure him of maximized mobility using his full potential.

A thorough motion analysis made by a reliable orthopedic doctor will help you realize your potential and strength and thus you can effectively plan the right moves. Going to Randolph Orthopedics and Sports Medicine if you live near Asheboro, NC is the best option for you. Professionally trained orthopedic doctors are available to help you with any mobility problem.

Knee surgery and knee replacement surgery can be done minimally invasive procedures. Patients undergoing knee surgery can expect a quicker recovery and less pain.

Randolph Orthopedic and Sports Medicine Clinic in Asheboro, North Carolina, is a team of skilled and experienced orthopedic surgeons are ready to help you overcome problems of knee pain. Dr. Megan Swanson is a specialist in surgery like subvastus knee replacement. Many knee problems can be resolved through physical therapy, anti-inflammatory injections and other non-surgical methods but for some patients, knee surgery is required.

In minimal invasive knee replacement, surgeon makes a small incision to insert a small camera to check the exact cause of the knee problemRandolph Orthopedics and Sports Medicine Clinic in Asheboro, North Carolina. Through this same procedure, the surgeon may be able to fix a torn meniscus, repair ACL or PCL injuries, realign knee caps, remove a Baker’s cyst or perform other needed work.  Lesser cut would help for faster recovery of the patient. When surgeon sees the exact area that needs repair, lesser tissue is only damage.

For patients that require full knee replacement, subvastus knee replacement or quad sparing knee replacement are the possible options. The location of the incision allows the surgeon to replace the knee without cutting into the thigh muscle and other tissues. Knee surgery may be a consideration if your knee pain affects your daily activities, causing pain that disrupts sleep and do not respond to nonsurgical treatment.

If you have been suffering from knee pain, now is the time to make an appointment with the orthopedic doctors at the Randolph Orthopedic and Sports Medicine Clinic. Call 336-626-2688 today.

Residents of Asheboro, North Carolina do not have to kneel to pray for relief of knee pain. Asheboro, North Carolina is home to the best orthopedic doctors in the region. These experienced and qualified orthopedic specialists see many patients, young and old with knee pain. Asheboro, North Carolina orthopedic doctors can treat your knee pain and refer you to good and enjoyable way of living.

Knee pain may occur in patients of all ages. Knee pain is a particular problem for young athletes and those who enjoy frequent physical activity, including hiking and recreational sports.  While some knee pain is the result of the injury, knee pain can also occur due to overuse. Osteoarthritis in the knee is the most common type of osteoarthritis and results occur when the particular cartilage of the knee wears down. Swelling, pain, stiffness, and lesser mobility of the knee can be signs of this common cause of knee pain.

Other conditions that can cause knee pain include tendinitis and bursitis. Tears in ligaments or strains of muscles around the knee joint can also cause knee pain. Bone fragments from an injury can damage the structure of the knee and cause pain as well. In some teenagers, a condition called Osgood-Schlatter disease may cause problems with the knee joint, causing pain in the knee. So if you are in North Carolina, and suffering from knee pain, it is a must to see the best Asheboro, North Carolina orthopedic doctors for appropriate diagnosis and treatment.