Tag Archive: Randolph orthopedics and sports medicine

Pain, accompanied by clicking sounds when flexing or straightening the fingers and tenderness at the base of the digits, is not normal. If you are experiencing these, you are already showing symptoms of trigger finger. This is usually caused by constant or harsh movement that causes swelling or irritation due to rheumatoid arthritis, tendon lacerations, repeated trauma, or long hours of gripping something like a steering wheel.

In some cases, orthopedic doctors just place a splint to protect the affected area then recommends a set of special exercises. Sometimes, they even inject cortisone. In most cases, though, surgery is necessary. The procedure is a minor one and patients can go home right after. A small incision is made on the affected area then the ligament section is carefully cut to stop the interruption on tendon movement. After this, the incision is stitched up and the ligament is left on its own to heal. Patients will have to wear a bandage a day or two after the surgery. A band aid can replace this after a couple of days to protect the wound. While healing, patients may have to go through physical therapy to restore strength in the hand.

If your fingers are bothering you, schedule a consultation with an orthopedic doctor to know if you have trigger finger. Randolph Orthopedics and Sports Medicine has many experts on such cases and offers surgical services if needed.

Tendonitis is one of the most common problems encountered by people, especially those over 40 years of age because their bodies are more vulnerable to injuries and are slower to heal. This injury is usually caused by the repetitive movement of a body part, which eventually strains the area; therefore causing pain. The most targeted areas are the shoulders, elbows, wrists, and heels.

If you are suffering from this painful injury, know that it is best to consult with your orthopedic doctor for advice on how to avoid further damage and on how to treat the affected area. Most of the time, tendonitis can be treated by securing the area and resting it for a certain period of time. If this is followed, more often than not, surgery will no longer be an option.

Can you avoid Tendonitis? Of course you can! The simplest way to avoid it is to listen to your body. Once you start feeling pain in a certain part, it is a signal that you should stop the activity your doing and give your body time to rest. If the pain continues, that’s when you have to see a doctor to have you area checked.

Treatment for meniscal tears at Randolph Orthopedics and Sports MedicineMeniscal tears are commonly caused by either traumatic injury, which is usually seen in athletes, or degenerative processes, which results brittle cartilage experienced by older patients. The most common mechanism of a traumatic meniscal tear occurs when the knee joint is bent and the knee is then twisted.

Symptoms of a meniscal tear

Individuals who suffer from a meniscus tear usually experience pain and swelling as their primary symptoms. Joint locking is also common, which involves the inability to completely straighten the joint.

The most common symptoms of a meniscal tear include:

  • Knee pain
  • Swelling of the knee
  • Tenderness when pressing on the meniscus
  • Popping or clicking within the knee
  • Limited motion of the knee joint

Diagnosis of a meniscal tear

Patient who suffer from knee pain will be evaluated for a possible meniscal tear. Specific tests can be performed to detect such an injury. An x-ray can be used to determine if there is evidence of degenerative or arthritic changes to the knee joint. The MRI is useful at visualizing the meniscus. However, discovering a torn meniscus on MRI does not mean a specific treatment is needed.

Treatment of a meniscus tear

Treatment of meniscal tears depends on several factors, as not all meniscal tears require surgery. When a non-surgical option for treating a meniscal tear is inadequate, a surgical treatment is required where meniscal repair and transplantation may be necessary.

Your doctor can evaluate the extent of a meniscal tear injury and provide options for treatment. Your Asheboro orthopedic surgeons at Randolph Orthopedics and Sports Medicine can determine the most appropriate meniscal tear treatment and help you through a speedy recovery.


Treatment for sprains available at Randolph Orthopedics and Sports Medicine Sprains and strains occur when the body is put under severe stress where muscles and joints are forced to perform movements beyond that which are designed for them to perform. An injury can occur from a single stressful incident, or it may gradually arise after many repetitions of a motion.

When professional medical help is not immediately available, there is an effective way to administer initial treatment for sprains and strains. Remember R.I.C.E.!

  • Rest the injured part. Pain is the body’s warning not to move the injured part.
  • Ice the injury. This will reduce the swelling and help with the spasm.
  • Compress the injured area. Compressing the injury also helps to control swelling. Keep in mind, however, not to apply excessive pressure in order to allow for proper circulation of the blood supply.
  • Elevate the injured part. This is to reduce the swelling by minimizing fluid and blood flow to the injured area.

Medications that help to relieve pain can be taken in appropriate doses as prescribed. Orthopedic specialists at Randolph Orthopedics and Sports Medicine are ready to assist with problems in orthopedic cases. Make the appointment with Asheboro’s primary orthopedic and sports medicine doctors and free yourself from pain due to ligament sprains and strains.

When suffering from knee pain in the vicinity of Asheboro area, it is best to consult with the experts in Randolph Orthopedics and Sports Medicine. They have a complete rooster of experts who can help you alleviate and eliminate your knee pains.

The center is offering a technically advanced knee replacement surgery that is above the ordinary knee replacement procedures surgeons usually recommend. Although all of these surgical knee procedures are effective methods to heal a knee joint complaint, compared to the subvastus approach they all pale in comparison.

The subastus knee surgery is basically similar to the regular knee replacement surgery except that it has a shorter recovery period and it was designed to avoid too much  invasive actions on your body —both externally and internally.

Since it is minimally invasive, your body readily recovers from the post operations with less pain and shorter period of recovery. The traditional open-cut-replacement technique that most knee replacement surgery use require the surgeon to actually cut through your tendons and muscles thereby weakening them and requiring a greater period of recovery.

This is eliminated in the subvastus approach since these tendons and muscles are simply retracted by the surgeon. As a consequence, it does not require a long incision thereby eradicating excess trauma on your muscles and tendons. It also controls the actual blood loss during the operation.

You can contact Dr. Megam Swanson at the Randolph Orthopedics and Sports Medicine for any questions and information about these particular knee replacement surgery they are offering in Asheboro, NC.