Tendonitis is one of the most common problems encountered by people, especially those over 40 years of age because their bodies are more vulnerable to injuries and are slower to heal. This injury is usually caused by the repetitive movement of a body part, which eventually strains the area; therefore causing pain. The most targeted areas are the shoulders, elbows, wrists, and heels.

If you are suffering from this painful injury, know that it is best to consult with your orthopedic doctor for advice on how to avoid further damage and on how to treat the affected area. Most of the time, tendonitis can be treated by securing the area and resting it for a certain period of time. If this is followed, more often than not, surgery will no longer be an option.

Can you avoid Tendonitis? Of course you can! The simplest way to avoid it is to listen to your body. Once you start feeling pain in a certain part, it is a signal that you should stop the activity your doing and give your body time to rest. If the pain continues, that’s when you have to see a doctor to have you area checked.