Tag Archive: Pain

Partaking in a sport is one way for people to socialize as well as to stay healthy. This is because playing a sport is an activity that builds up a person’s physical fitness, motor skills, and social skills as well. However, since sports can be physically demanding, accidents may occur along the way. The problem is, some injuries may not be too obvious, which is why they are ignored. Most of the time, you can just feel some pain in a certain area, but you can still move the region like usual. This is very normal especially for younger people whose tolerance to pain is much higher. But, if the cause of pain remains untreated, it may worsen the injury.

What should you do if you start feeling pain? The best thing to do is to go see a sports medicine doctor who can check if you have any injuries. These doctors can not only help you treat your injury and provide you with the aftercare, but they can also help in the prevention of such injuries. There are many clinics that specialize in sports medicine like Randolph Orthopedics and Sports Medicine so you can go to them for a check up.

Tendonitis is one of the most common problems encountered by people, especially those over 40 years of age because their bodies are more vulnerable to injuries and are slower to heal. This injury is usually caused by the repetitive movement of a body part, which eventually strains the area; therefore causing pain. The most targeted areas are the shoulders, elbows, wrists, and heels.

If you are suffering from this painful injury, know that it is best to consult with your orthopedic doctor for advice on how to avoid further damage and on how to treat the affected area. Most of the time, tendonitis can be treated by securing the area and resting it for a certain period of time. If this is followed, more often than not, surgery will no longer be an option.

Can you avoid Tendonitis? Of course you can! The simplest way to avoid it is to listen to your body. Once you start feeling pain in a certain part, it is a signal that you should stop the activity your doing and give your body time to rest. If the pain continues, that’s when you have to see a doctor to have you area checked.

Treatment for meniscal tears at Randolph Orthopedics and Sports MedicineMeniscal tears are commonly caused by either traumatic injury, which is usually seen in athletes, or degenerative processes, which results brittle cartilage experienced by older patients. The most common mechanism of a traumatic meniscal tear occurs when the knee joint is bent and the knee is then twisted.

Symptoms of a meniscal tear

Individuals who suffer from a meniscus tear usually experience pain and swelling as their primary symptoms. Joint locking is also common, which involves the inability to completely straighten the joint.

The most common symptoms of a meniscal tear include:

  • Knee pain
  • Swelling of the knee
  • Tenderness when pressing on the meniscus
  • Popping or clicking within the knee
  • Limited motion of the knee joint

Diagnosis of a meniscal tear

Patient who suffer from knee pain will be evaluated for a possible meniscal tear. Specific tests can be performed to detect such an injury. An x-ray can be used to determine if there is evidence of degenerative or arthritic changes to the knee joint. The MRI is useful at visualizing the meniscus. However, discovering a torn meniscus on MRI does not mean a specific treatment is needed.

Treatment of a meniscus tear

Treatment of meniscal tears depends on several factors, as not all meniscal tears require surgery. When a non-surgical option for treating a meniscal tear is inadequate, a surgical treatment is required where meniscal repair and transplantation may be necessary.

Your doctor can evaluate the extent of a meniscal tear injury and provide options for treatment. Your Asheboro orthopedic surgeons at Randolph Orthopedics and Sports Medicine can determine the most appropriate meniscal tear treatment and help you through a speedy recovery.


When you feel a slight pain on your shoulder, what will you do? For most people, the first reaction is to ignore it and hope that it will go away the next day. Sometimes it does but oftentimes it doesn’t and on worst days it might even turn out to be more than just a simple shoulder pain. The shoulder pain you feel does not immediately register the gravity of the damage you are suffering from.

A simple shoulder pain can turn nasty and serious if you don’t address the problem right away. The quicker you seek the help of an orthopedic surgeon the better the chance of finding the remedy for your pain. The result might just turn out to be a simple shoulder sprain but it can also be a serious rotator cuff injury that would need an arthroscopic rotator cuff repair. Nevertheless, the faster you seek for the remedy the lesser suffering you have to undergo.

A rotator cuff injury can occur even while you are doing the least action; even the simple action of changing your clothes could trigger the crackling and grating sound that will signify the start of your shoulder pain. You don’t need to be an active person or an athlete to suffer from a rotator cuff injury.

Although it does not mean that all shoulder pains will need arthroscopic rotator cuff repair, it is still to your best interest to have an expert take a good look at it. Ignoring the pain will definitely start the healing process and the quicker you do something about it the better will be the outcome.

Hip pains are frequently brushed aside as the normal symptoms of aging bones and muscles. And so for most sufferers, this is just but a nagging pain that can be ignored and disregarded. But on the other hand, it can also mean something worst.

The best way to confront hip pains is to know the real cause of the pain. Normally, the pain that you suffer from are due to the swelling or inflammation of your hip joints caused by several things including arthritis, bursitis, sprains among other things.

Treatment will depend on the cause of the hip pains so it is important to seek the advice of your trusted orthopedic doctor in Asheboro, NC and surrounding areas. Although the pain might b tolerable there are instances wherein it does not need the attention of doctors since home remedies will suffice but you can never be sure about this unless you go and see a reliable orthopedic doctor.

One alarming factor that signals the immediate and placing of high priority on seeking professional help is when you are suffering from recurring hip pains. It does not really matter if the pain is tolerable or not but the fact that it keeps coming back is enough reason to go and set an appointment with an orthopedic doctor.

For most people a little throbbing on the hips is always accounted to getting old and therefore a natural thing. But wait, advancement in age does not necessarily means pains and aching body. The best thing to do is consult any of the reliable Asheboro, NC orthopedic doctors who will help you evaluate your hip pain condition.

Hip pains can be anything from just a tired body which was greatly abused with sedentary living but it could also signal a very serious musculoskeletal condition that is manifested by a hip pain but could be more. Only professionally trained orthopedic doctors can help you find a treatment that will alleviate the pain you are suffering from, then finally stop it and prevent hip pain from ever coming back.

Doctors have several methods of treating the hip pain you are suffering from depending on the actual reason for the pain. Different conditions would need different approach but detecting the problem earlier might just save you from a hip surgery.

Friendly and dependable Asheboro, North Carolina orthopedic doctors will gladly assist and help you find out the reasons behind your hip pain. Never again will you shy away from activities and from having fun with your friends. The burden of your hip pain will be lifted once you know that there is something there to help alleviate if not totally stop the pain.

Who gets afflicted with knee pain?

Teens and young athletes often experience knee pain as the result of injury or overuse.  The knee is the largest joint in the body and is complicated in its structure.  In addition to the bones that make up the knee, there are other tissues including cartilage, ligaments, tendons, muscles and bursa which can become injured, inflamed or infected.  Problems in any of these areas may result in knee pain and these problems are not reserved for just athletes.

When is it time to consult an orthopedic doctor about knee pain?

If you’ve been experiencing knee pain, stiffness, pain, swelling and weakness in the knee or knees which are all signs of knee injury or knee problems.   If any of these problems does not resolve itself with the common treatments of rest, ice, elevation and simple pain medication, then you must see an Asheboro, North Carolina orthopedic doctor.

What can I expect during my visit to an orthopedic doctor?

The best Asheboro, North Carolina orthopedic specialists  will take a full health history focusing on the specific causes of the knee pain.  Using that information and the results of comprehensive evaluations, your trusted orthopedic doctors will design a treatment program that restores strength, mobility and health to your knee while alleviating knee pain.


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Asheboro, North Carolina residents are able to cheer “Hip, Hip, Hooray” after treatment for hip pain from their Asheboro, North Carolina orthopedic doctors of Randolph orthopedics and sports medicine clinic.  Hip pain can take the cheer out of your day and leave you out of the game.  Hip pain can result in reduced mobility and cause people to shy away from many activities.  With less physical activity or an avoidance of spending time away from home, hip pain can lead to declining physical and emotional health. Randolph orthopedics and sports medicine clinic wants you to know they are on your team and ready to help you alleviate hip pain.  Whatever your condition or treatment needs, Asheboro, North Carolina experienced and trusted orthopedic doctors can design a recovery program that is right for you.

Hip pain can be caused by more than sports injuries or accidents.  Many Asheboro, North Carolina residents suffer from un-necessary hip pain.  The hip joint is a ball and socket joint, but it is more complicated than that.  Bones, cartilage, ligaments, muscles, linings, specialized tissue and fluid filled sacs called bursas are all part of the hip system. Damage, inflammation or infection of any one of these hip components can result in hip pain.  Arthritis and bursitis are two conditions that can create hip pain.  Osteoporosis, or weakening of the bones with age, can lead to fractures and breaks in the bones of the hip when a patient falls.  To complicate matters, many patients suffer hip pain due to other medical problems including problems with the spine, specific nerves or even due to a hernia.  It takes a highly trained and skilled Asheboro, North Carolina orthopedic specialist to diagnose the cause of your hip pain and to develop a treatment program that alleviates the pain while restoring full function.

Although Asheboro, North Carolina orthopedic specialists have many non-surgical treatment options, hip replacement surgery is sometimes needed.  Asheboro, North Carolina trained and board certified orthopedic surgeons provide hip replacement surgery, or hip arthroplasty, to those patients who are suffering from hip pain that cannot be alleviated by other treatments.  Hip replacement surgery involves removing the old hip joint material and replacing it with a synthetic ball and socket joint.  The materials used for hip replacement do not degrade or wear down over time; therefore, once a hip is replaced, pain and mobility issues are no longer a problem.  Qualified, experienced orthopedic surgeons from Randolph orthopedics and sports medicine in Asheboro North Carolina can determine if hip replacement is an appropriate choice for you.

Trust the orthopedic doctors with the most experience and specialized training to evaluate your condition, locate the source of hip pain and to create a treatment program that is best for your recovery and overall health.  Two, four, six, eight….you’ll appreciate the excellent care and commitment to your health provided by Asheboro, North Carolina dedicated, experienced and trusted orthopedic doctors of Randolph orthopedics and sports medicine.