When you feel a slight pain on your shoulder, what will you do? For most people, the first reaction is to ignore it and hope that it will go away the next day. Sometimes it does but oftentimes it doesn’t and on worst days it might even turn out to be more than just a simple shoulder pain. The shoulder pain you feel does not immediately register the gravity of the damage you are suffering from.

A simple shoulder pain can turn nasty and serious if you don’t address the problem right away. The quicker you seek the help of an orthopedic surgeon the better the chance of finding the remedy for your pain. The result might just turn out to be a simple shoulder sprain but it can also be a serious rotator cuff injury that would need an arthroscopic rotator cuff repair. Nevertheless, the faster you seek for the remedy the lesser suffering you have to undergo.

A rotator cuff injury can occur even while you are doing the least action; even the simple action of changing your clothes could trigger the crackling and grating sound that will signify the start of your shoulder pain. You don’t need to be an active person or an athlete to suffer from a rotator cuff injury.

Although it does not mean that all shoulder pains will need arthroscopic rotator cuff repair, it is still to your best interest to have an expert take a good look at it. Ignoring the pain will definitely start the healing process and the quicker you do something about it the better will be the outcome.