Tag Archive: knee surgery

Knee pains are not just a malady that attacks the very ancients. Everyone is susceptible to it –whether you are a very young child, a strong athlete, a couch potato or an elderly; in fact, anyone who makes use of their knees may experience knee pain.

The knee pain that you might be suffering from can be a result of any thing from age to overuse, injury as well as misused and less usage of the knees. They can be caused by any number of things from bones to tendons and muscles. Since knee pain has become one of the top complaints of most people in all walks of life, it will help for you to have a  proper and regular care for knees.

Chronic sufferers of knee pains must seek the help of a professional medical practitioners who can give you a full and exhaustive evaluation. In most cases, once the cause and the source of pain is identified and treatment is applied, the rest will be very easy.

The orthopedic surgeon can easily prescribe the right treatment to eradicate the knee pain. Solutions does not always have to be knee surgery since there are other non-surgical method that will work and cure your knee pain.

You can set an appointment with your Asheboro, N.C. knee surgeon and explore the possible approach that will work for you.

If that knee pain has been nagging you for a long time now, it will be best to go and see a reliable knee surgeon in your area. The Randolph Orthopedics and sports medicine in Asheboro, NC can offer you an array of solutions to your problem.

If your condition is not likely to be remedied by medication or home cures, one choice is the subvastus knee replacement surgery. This is the right solution to people who do not have the time and particularly the strength to withstand the pain that usually accompanies surgical procedure.

With subvastus knee replacement you are guaranteed fast recovery and less post-operation pain. The design of the surgical procedure is aimed to provide comfort to patients needing knee replacement procedures.

Unlike the regular knee replacement surgical procedure, the subvastus knee surgery utilizes highly proven effective implants in a procedure that is designed to cause as little incursion as possible on your body. The incision made is more or less 50% shorter than the regular opening required by other knee surgery. Although, subvastus knee replacement surgery is not for cosmetic surgery but preference for smaller scar cannot be considered baseless vanity.
As the result of this ‘gentle’ procedure, the period required for recovery is lessened and in a less direct consequence, the patient suffers an almost painless surgical procedure.

So what more can you ask for? The subvastus knee replacement surgery is the best answer to your knee problem. Ask the Randolph Orthopedics and Sports Medicine surgeon about it.

Who gets afflicted with knee pain?

Teens and young athletes often experience knee pain as the result of injury or overuse.  The knee is the largest joint in the body and is complicated in its structure.  In addition to the bones that make up the knee, there are other tissues including cartilage, ligaments, tendons, muscles and bursa which can become injured, inflamed or infected.  Problems in any of these areas may result in knee pain and these problems are not reserved for just athletes.

When is it time to consult an orthopedic doctor about knee pain?

If you’ve been experiencing knee pain, stiffness, pain, swelling and weakness in the knee or knees which are all signs of knee injury or knee problems.   If any of these problems does not resolve itself with the common treatments of rest, ice, elevation and simple pain medication, then you must see an Asheboro, North Carolina orthopedic doctor.

What can I expect during my visit to an orthopedic doctor?

The best Asheboro, North Carolina orthopedic specialists  will take a full health history focusing on the specific causes of the knee pain.  Using that information and the results of comprehensive evaluations, your trusted orthopedic doctors will design a treatment program that restores strength, mobility and health to your knee while alleviating knee pain.

Knee surgery and knee replacement surgery can be done minimally invasive procedures. Patients undergoing knee surgery can expect a quicker recovery and less pain.

Randolph Orthopedic and Sports Medicine Clinic in Asheboro, North Carolina, is a team of skilled and experienced orthopedic surgeons are ready to help you overcome problems of knee pain. Dr. Megan Swanson is a specialist in surgery like subvastus knee replacement. Many knee problems can be resolved through physical therapy, anti-inflammatory injections and other non-surgical methods but for some patients, knee surgery is required.

In minimal invasive knee replacement, surgeon makes a small incision to insert a small camera to check the exact cause of the knee problemRandolph Orthopedics and Sports Medicine Clinic in Asheboro, North Carolina. Through this same procedure, the surgeon may be able to fix a torn meniscus, repair ACL or PCL injuries, realign knee caps, remove a Baker’s cyst or perform other needed work.  Lesser cut would help for faster recovery of the patient. When surgeon sees the exact area that needs repair, lesser tissue is only damage.

For patients that require full knee replacement, subvastus knee replacement or quad sparing knee replacement are the possible options. The location of the incision allows the surgeon to replace the knee without cutting into the thigh muscle and other tissues. Knee surgery may be a consideration if your knee pain affects your daily activities, causing pain that disrupts sleep and do not respond to nonsurgical treatment.

If you have been suffering from knee pain, now is the time to make an appointment with the orthopedic doctors at the Randolph Orthopedic and Sports Medicine Clinic. Call 336-626-2688 today.