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If you are already experiencing blurry visions or you can’t see objects clearly whenever they are far or near you then it’s time for you to consult a laser eye doctor.

Laser eye doctors in Concord and North Charlotte will help you improve you r vision. They have procedures that will give you long-term benefits that you will not get in traditional corrective methods. With their experience in laser eye surgery you can be sure that your vision will really improve and your eye problems will surely be removed. Laser eye doctors uses this procedure called, laser eye surgery to treat your vision related problems. But right now they have developed a new method that most laser eye doctors in Concord and North Charlotte use, and this is the Advanced Surface Treatment. This method will not create flaps in the cornea, so the structure must be well preserved. And instead of using the laser to remove a portion of the cornea’s middle layer, the laser eye doctor will only restructure the shape of the cornea using a special laser equipment. For those who live an active lifestyle, laser eye correction will be perfect for you because there is no risk of flap dislodging. Then after the surgery you need to wear an eye patch for a day to rest your operated eye.

Laser eye doctors in Concord and North Charlotte developed ways that will help you improve and sustain your vision. And gives you long-term benefits that will make you enjoy your life and your eye!

So if you have eye problems, worry no more because laser eye doctors in Concord and North Charlotte have the best solution to that!

If you feel pain at back of your heel that becomes worse with activities or see swelling or thickening of the tendon, you may have achilles tendonitis. This is caused by repeated stress to the tendon from activities like running or jumping. Most of the time, people who are not too active feel pain in this region right after a new exercise regimen. Aside from sudden increase of exercise, other causes are tight calf muscles that are improperly stretched or a bone spur.

This can be treated non-surgically through rest, icing for 20 minutes at a time throughout the day, taking anti-inflammatory medicine, doing exercises that will strengthen the calf muscles, physical therapy, cortisone injections, or by making use of shoe inserts, orthotics, or buying new training shoes. However, if none of these work, an orthopedic surgeon will have to do Achilles Tendon repair.

The surgery is only done if the pain and/or inflammation do not subside within six months of non-surgical treatment. During the procedure, the orthopedic surgeon makes an incision at the back of the leg to expose the damaged tendon. Damaged tissues will be removed and the healthy tissues will be stitched together with dissolving sutures. If there is not enough healthy tendon to maintain a secure reattachment, a tendon from the big toe will have to be transferred to replace the damaged tissue.

The length of recovery will usually depend on how much damage there is in the tendon. To aid healing, patients will have to have physical therapy for about a year to achieve pain-free results.

Do you think you are suffering from achilles tendonitis? Schedule a consultation with an orthopedic doctor now to see what should be done.

Pain, accompanied by clicking sounds when flexing or straightening the fingers and tenderness at the base of the digits, is not normal. If you are experiencing these, you are already showing symptoms of trigger finger. This is usually caused by constant or harsh movement that causes swelling or irritation due to rheumatoid arthritis, tendon lacerations, repeated trauma, or long hours of gripping something like a steering wheel.

In some cases, orthopedic doctors just place a splint to protect the affected area then recommends a set of special exercises. Sometimes, they even inject cortisone. In most cases, though, surgery is necessary. The procedure is a minor one and patients can go home right after. A small incision is made on the affected area then the ligament section is carefully cut to stop the interruption on tendon movement. After this, the incision is stitched up and the ligament is left on its own to heal. Patients will have to wear a bandage a day or two after the surgery. A band aid can replace this after a couple of days to protect the wound. While healing, patients may have to go through physical therapy to restore strength in the hand.

If your fingers are bothering you, schedule a consultation with an orthopedic doctor to know if you have trigger finger. Randolph Orthopedics and Sports Medicine has many experts on such cases and offers surgical services if needed.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a common condition among women, but can also develop in men. This is often hereditary since the carpal tunnel of some people tend to be smaller. Other causes are hormonal changes due to pregnancy, age, diabetes, obesity, hand movement and overuse of the hands, and smoking. Once this syndrome develops, numbness then pain will be felt, thumb muscles will be weaker and grasping things will be harder, and a shock-like sensation will be felt in the thumb and the first three fingers. This happens when any of the tissues passing through the carpal tunnel become swollen; therefore putting pressure on the median nerve.

CTS can be treated non-surgically if diagnosed in its early stages. Before turning to surgery, orthopedic surgeons may recommend putting a splint while sleeping, taking medications, changing activities, or injecting steroids. However, if not treated right away or if the non-surgical treatments are ineffective, surgery may be the other best option. One surgery that is usually done for patients with CTS is called open release. In the procedure, the carpal ligament is cut to relieve pressure on the median nerve. To do this, an incision will be made on the palm.

Recovery will take a few weeks. During this time, the patient is recommended to refrain from activities that may put pressure on the wrists– some changes, then, must be done on the patient’s normal day-to-day activities. Wrist exercises are also recommended to aid in healing.

Do you think you have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome? It is best to detect this syndrome early on, so if you feel you are suffering from it, consult with your local orthopedic doctor.

Runners Knee, also known as Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome, is a commonly experienced not only by runners but also by cyclists, jumpers, skiers, and soccer players. Some of the causes of this injury include cartilage damage from overuse, misalignment, chronic knee cap dislocation among many others. Symptoms to watch out for are weakness of the knees, swelling, pain under and around the knee cap, and pain when walking, kneeling, or squatting.

How is Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome treated? Most of the time, orthopedic surgeons do not perform any form of surgery on patients suffering from this. Rest, restructuring of activities, physical therapy, the use of braces or shoe inserts for support, and medicine are usually recommended. However, if needed, surgeons may have to resort to surgery.

One surgery that orthopedic surgeons do is the lateral release of the knee. In this procedure, the surgeon cuts out tight tissue on the lateral side of the knee cap to allow the patella to slide towards the center of the femoral groove. During this procedure, surgeons can also repair torn cartilage, which may cause problems in the future. As tissues heal, the quadricep muscle can work in a more balanced way. Since the procedure is minimally invasive, the healing process is shorter for patients. Physical therapy will also be prescribed to aid in the healing process.

For more information on Patellofemoral Pain Syndrom and treatments, visit your local orthopedic doctor.

The rotator cuff impingement syndrome is due to the irritation of tendons and bursa. This reduces the range of motion a shoulder can make, inflammation, and pain. More often than not, a clicking sound will be heard when one lifts the arm and lying on the injured shoulder is usually painful. If this is not attended to right away, permanent damage may be made to the rotator cuff, which will need a complicated surgery.

To avoid any form of major surgery, it is best to consult with your local orthopedic doctor about rotator cuff impingement syndrome and shoulder decompression. In this procedure, incisions will be made around the shoulder to make way for a small camera and other surgical instruments. A portion of the acromion will be removed and minor repairs on the rotator cuff will be made. A post-surgery program will be recommended by your doctor wherein medication, motion exercises, and strength exercises will be given. These will aid in healing and eventually to the normal functioning of the injured shoulder.

Don’t let the injury go unnoticed to avoid further problems. Go to your local Asheboro NC orthopedic surgeon as soon as possible to make the necessary steps towards healing.

The shoulder is the most utilized joint of the human body, which is why there are a lot of people who suffer from chronic shoulder dislocation. Some people worry that they might suffer from this their whole life. However, Asheboro NC orthopedic surgeons can perform a surgery called Bankart’s Repair.

If you have a loose joint, it can slip and slide around the socket and will eventually dislocate. This basically tightens the ligaments and repairs the labrum. The procedure is performed with a fiber-optic camera and other manipulating materials. Small incisions are made around the shoulder for these tools. Damaged soft tissues and bone spurs are removed and rough edges are smoothed. Loose ligaments are then shortened and reattached to stabilize the joint. With Bankart’s Repair, suture anchors are utilized to reattach ligaments to the bone, which dissolves in time. This will help the shoulder return to its normal functions.

A patient can go home on the same day of the operation. The joint must be immobilized and plenty of rest must be taken to aid for the healing of the shoulder. Total recovery, however, will take months — but it is surely worth it!

Are you active in sports? If you are, then it is important that you know how to take care of your body – especially your knees since they are often the most used part of the body when playing a sport.

There are many injuries you can get from participating in any sport. ACL strains and tears is a common injury especially among football, basketball, and soccer players. This is usually due to sudden stops, a rapid change of direction, incorrect landing after a jump, and direct impact – all of which put pressure on the knees. Other causes are differences in lower leg alignment, ligament laxity, and pelvic alignment.

Sometimes, if the injury is severe, the patient may need to undergo an orthopedic surgery to regain complete knee functions after the injury. There are, however, many other treatments you can undergo. Surgery is not your only option. All you need to do is to consult with a sports medicine doctor who can check your condition and give you advice for treatment.

Partaking in a sport is one way for people to socialize as well as to stay healthy. This is because playing a sport is an activity that builds up a person’s physical fitness, motor skills, and social skills as well. However, since sports can be physically demanding, accidents may occur along the way. The problem is, some injuries may not be too obvious, which is why they are ignored. Most of the time, you can just feel some pain in a certain area, but you can still move the region like usual. This is very normal especially for younger people whose tolerance to pain is much higher. But, if the cause of pain remains untreated, it may worsen the injury.

What should you do if you start feeling pain? The best thing to do is to go see a sports medicine doctor who can check if you have any injuries. These doctors can not only help you treat your injury and provide you with the aftercare, but they can also help in the prevention of such injuries. There are many clinics that specialize in sports medicine like Randolph Orthopedics and Sports Medicine so you can go to them for a check up.

If there is any part of your body that you should not ignore, that would be your eyes. According to studies, millions of Americans (and still counting) are experiencing different eye problems. Some of the most common visual impairment issues are astigmatism, near-sightedness, far-sightedness, and sometimes, even blindness. This is often due to family history of vision impairment or illnesses like diabetes.

How can you avoid eyesight problems? As we always say, “Prevention is better than cure.” If you want to spare your eyes from problems, the best thing to do is to have your eyes checked by an eye doctor so you’d know if you have eye sight problems or are developing eye problems. There are many eye centers like Cabarrus Eye Center that you can go to for a consultation.

What are you waiting for? Schedule a consultation before you even develop an eye problem. Remember that early detection is always a good thing since it will help you stop further development of eye issues.